
The Ancient Allure of the Koi Fish

photo by Flickr user Jayel Aheram

photo by Flickr user Jayel Aheram

Some of the most stunning tattoos are those that are created in the classic Japanese style. Bold colors combine with rich symbolism and beautiful imagery to create a masterful work of art that wears well and signifies traditional meaning in addition to the personal meaning that the wearer associates with it. One the most well known of these traditional Japanese designs is the koi fish tattoo.

The koi fish, or carp, as it is translated in English actually originated in ancient China. The koi are said to climb waterfalls with ease grace, and should they be caught in a fisherman’s net they will supposedly lie on the cutting board without so much as a quiver, so profound is their bravery, facing death with the honor of a Samurai.

Legend tells of a magical place on the Yellow River, known as Dragon’s Point. It is said that any koi that managed to navigate upstream, facing many perilous obstacles to cross over the mystical gateway would be transformed into a great dragon. Because the mythic struggles faced by the koi were rewarded with the great honor of becoming dragons, the Chinese have long associated koi with worldly aspirations, good fortune and great wealth.

The Japanese have a slightly different take on the koi. They do not associate koiwith fortune and luck as much as they do with masculinity and strength. After all, it took great fortitude and perseverance for the koi to traverse the river to arrive at their destination. Whereas the Chinese focus more upon the end result, or that achievement of becoming something greater, the Japanese focus on the determination, power and ability to overcome adversity, the means to the end, rather than the end itself.

photo by Flickr user wahig

photo by Flickr user wahig

Westerners, being more independent and singular, have adapted the Japanese koi to be symbolic overcoming struggle and liberating oneself from challenges and adversity in the interest of self actualization. In America, we value individuality and independence much more than our Eastern counterparts do.

A well done Japanese koi tattoo is a beautiful and meaningful addition to one’s body art. The colors range from white and red to deep orange and brown, with quite a bit of black in the details of the scales. Contrasted with the blue ocean waves that symbolize the river of life that we all must navigate on our journey, the traditional intensity flourishes within the design. A well done koi tattoo packs a powerhouse of color and meaning into a beautiful and authentic image. Who could ask for more than that?

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